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Surgeries are held in the mornings and afternoons with appointments generally available between 8.30am and 5.30pm.


Please note:


Where possible, we like patients to see their usual doctor, as we know that patients value the continuity of care this gives


However, there will be times when you may need to see another doctor when your usual doctor is not available


All appointments with a doctor or a member of the nursing team are for one patient only. If two people want a joint appointment, please make a double appointment


To make an appointment


Please use Patient Access, telephone or visit the surgery. Our receptionists will always try to accommodate requests for appointments but please remember that they may not be able to satisfy all specific appointment requests and you may have to wait longer for an appointment to see a particular doctor.


Early morning appointments are available from 7.15 am on Mondays and Friday with a doctor, chronic disease specialist nurse and phlebotomist.


Unable to keep your appointment


If you are unable to keep your appointment, please notify the practice as soon as possible, so that the appointment may be offered to another patient.


Emergency appointments


You may feel that your problem needs to be seen the same day. Our doctors will never refuse to see any patient who feels they must be seen the same day. However, we do ask all patients to act responsibly when booking emergency appointments and not ask to be seen unless your condition genuinely warrants it. There may be a lengthy wait before you can be seen. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and assure you that the doctors are doing their best to see everyone who has asked to be seen.


However, if the doctors feels that it is not an emergency and you can wait a few days then you may not be treated and will be asked to make a routine appointment


Telephone advice


If you need telephone advice, please give your telephone number to the receptionist and a doctor will endeavour to telephone you during the day. Messages will not be left on patients answer phone machines in order to maintain confidentiality


Home visits


Whenever possible it is much better for the doctor to see you in surgery, so please only request a home visit when you are too ill or disabled to come to the surgery.Please telephone before 11a.m. so that the on-call doctor can speak to you about the request, before the doctors plan their rounds.







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